Sunday, August 24, 2008

Critics be Van Dammed

I'm actually really excited about this movie.  We all remember Jean Claude, right?  Right?  Well as the plot of this film goes, we don't.  Or maybe we do, but we just don't care anymore.  That's right, in his new film JCVD, JCVD plays himself: a down on his luck action star of the past in the midst of divorce proceedings.  When he ends up in the middle of an actual bank robbery, Jean Claude makes good on his Jean Claude action name by fighting off the robbers.  This sounds exactly like the story of My Name is Bruce, in which Bruce Campbell plays himself and is forced to save a town from zombies because the residents think he is actually Ash.  However, I don't care.  I'm excited for Bruce, and I'm equally excited for JCVD.  And if the critics can be trusted, not only has Van Damme finally made an honest to goodness good movie, he's put in an honest to goodness good performance as well.  The film just sort of got a release date, which you can read more about on cinematical.

Does anyone else think Jean Claude deserves this kind of performance?