Friday, August 29, 2008

An Open Call to /filmcast: Week 2!

That's right, I said I'd post once a week about this, and I intend to. I want to be a guest on the /filmcast! We're huge fans of the show, we get a lot of our news from you guys, and I love to talk. Sign me up!

Also, /film's Peter Sciretta is going on a 28 day trek around the world to visit 3 film festivals - Toronto, Tulluride, and Fantastic Fest. He's blogging the whole thing through videos and posts, and on day 2, things are already exciting. Check out, at the very least, the last of these videos, featuring firstshowing's Alex Billington as the angry google hater and Peter Sciretta as the film geek with an unhealthy fear of rickety old bridges. This is a really cool idea and I'm excited to see what comes of this crazy journy. We'll be watching!


Anonymous said...

I just got back from Telluride last night. My 7th. Always an amazing time.

G.Rett said...

oh that's awesome man, did you get a chance to see slumdog millionaire? that seems to be the film everyone is talking about from there.