Filmadelphia is finally trying to get on the ball! Since we've found ourselves far too busy to update the ol blog throughout the week, we've changed the format of Weakends a little bit. Instead of blatantly ripping off the /filmcast, we've decided to do our Top 5 Stories of the Weak. We round up all the news for the week and pick our top five and talk about em! Sounds exciting right? It gets even better, G.Rett and Tom have finally decided on a schedule and should actually be updating every Friday! (Maybe Thursday, any opinions on that?)
Also, we haven't given up on the blog. Although Tom is far too lazy, G.Rett is still going to try and make an effort to put some posts up throughout the week. Have no fear, filmadelphia is going to return in a big way with Weakends.
Check out the new episode right now!
Let us know what you think of the new format in the comments!
Show Notes:
Top 5 News Stories for the Weak of 11.7.08 - 11.13.08
5. Baz Luhrmann on the ending of Australia
4. Joe Johnston is directing The First Avenger: Captain America
3. Jeffrey Tambor says the Arrested Development movie is a go
2. Ridley Scott is directing Monopoly
1. The new Watchmen trailer
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